Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hmong Youth & Parents United

Hmong Youth and Parents United is a non-profit organization, which started in 2004 by Vince Xiong, to help build a strong foundation between Hmong youth and parents. To promote respect, responsibility, character, trust, and education in personal & professional growth. HYPU has 6 different classes to achieve these goals:

  1. Communication Development

  2. Character Development

  3. Leadership Development

  4. Hmong Language Literacy

  5. Parenting Education

  6. Academic Support & Guidance

Communication development focuses on developing skills to allow youth and parents to interact with each other and understand each other’s hopes and expectations. It’s crucial to have communication skills, as it will provide the ability to communicate clearly and with confidence.

Character development teaches youth and parents traits that show respect for one’s self and for others, and about honesty, integrity, effort, pride, responsibility, generosity, compassion, forgiveness, and understanding. (To have a positive outlook on life).

Leadership development is to provide youth and parents the ability to become self-disciplined and committed to one’s self and the team. It’s designed to provide the necessary skill in making important decisions which requires careful planning and execution to accomplish a goal.

Hmong language literacy ensures that all members become proficient in Hmong, which allows them to have a greater understanding in learning English.

Parenting education helps parents to understand children’s challenges with peer pressure, academic disparities, delinquencies, drop outs, and other related issues. Individual sessions are available to work on personal issues related to social, emotional, mental health and well-being.

Academic support and guidance is provided through volunteers from varies college and universities, for one on one tutoring with K-12 students, to provide them the ability to master grade level testing. HYPU goal is to ensure that 100% of their youth members graduate from high school and at least 80% of those graduates continue on to receive their college degrees.

HYPU even has above and beyond activities to bring the members together with learning trips, sports tournaments, camping trips, and community services. Activities to broaden knowledge about the world, and what possibilities await them.

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