Thursday, October 1, 2009

Halloween Nyob Teb Chaws Amesliskas

Back left to right: Mrs. Vang, Koh Vang
Far left to right front row: Mark Lo Vang, Samuel Andrew Vang, Sydney Yee Vang, Nathan Alexander Vang
By Darryl Freeman
Translated by Kos Vaj
Lub holiday ua yog Halloween nyob teb chaws Amesliskas no, sawv dawv tau muab qhuas txog, thiab muaj kev lom zem heev los ntawm ntau haiv phav xam neeg. Ntau ntau zaus, thiab txua lub caij nyoog ua peb pom, thiab hnov. Qhauj nyob rau hau npiv thub nyub, hauv nais xim phee, hauv T.V., thiab tom tej kiab khw ua peb tau mus txog. Txawm li ntawv los Halloween kuj tsis tau yog ib lub holiday ua nom txwv yuav nav thwm thiab muab tso rau hauv txoj kev cai lij choj hauv lub teb chaws no. Vim li no, lub Halloween tseem lom zem thiab muaj nuj nqis npaum li cas rau pej xeem sawv daws los, thiaj tsis muaj nab thib rau cov tub kawm ntawv los yog cov neeg ua hauj lwm tau so hnub ntawv. (Oct. 31)
Keeb kwm chiv los ntawm cov neeg nyob sab qaum teb Europe (Irish). Lawv tseeg hais tias hnub tim 31 lub 10 hli ntawv, yog hnub yaj ceeb thiab yeeb ceeb tau los sib cuag. Lawv thiaj li siv cov mask coj los roos tsej muag, yuav mus ntaus, thiab tiv thaiv tus dab phem dab qus kom yeej. 900 xyoo tom qab yis xus (Jesus Christ) tas sim neej lawm. Cov thawj txiv plig thiaj lis tau muab pauv los rau hnub 11 hlis tim 1 (Nov. 1). Hnub no yog hnub lawv yuav npws thiab pe hawm cov tsuj plig dawb huv thiab ncaj ncees. Tab sis feem coob ziag no kuj muab ob hnub ntawv coj los siv rau lub 10 hli hnub 31 ntawv lawm xwb thiab.
Ntu nruab nrab xyoo 1800 los, cov neeg nyob qaum teb Europe (Irish) tau khiav tuaj rau lub teb chaws Amesliskas. Lawv mam siv lawv tu cwj pwm, thiab tu qauv lawv ib txwm siv thawm lawv nyob qaum teb Europe rau Amesliskas pom. Txij thaum ntawv los Amesliskas thiaj li siv ua ntu zus los txog niaj hnub niam no. Cov neeg ua coj kev cai tsiab, thiab txiv plig. Tseem niaj hnub nav thwm ob hnub no. Xws li hnub hom tseg rau cov tuag (Oct. 31). Thiab hnub fij rau cov tsuj plig dawb huv thiab ncaj ncees (Nov. 1).
Xim dub thiab xim daj liab tseb, nrog rau cov taub dag. Ua rau peb nco txog lub sij hawm me nyuam yaus mus thov khaub noom (trick or treat). Lub sij hawm no, txua tu neeg xav ua tej yam txaus tshai heev. Xws li, nyeem tej phau ntawv txaus tshai. Piav dab neeg txog poj dab. Saib xes nes (movie) phem phem dab dab tuag. Los yog mus ua si tom tej toj ntxas.
Lo lus "trick or treat" txhais tau hais tias, "Muab ab tsi zoo rau peb noj, los yog rau peb yuav, peb thiab tsis ua phem rau koj lub vaj lub tsev." Peb hmoob hais tias, "Ua neeg zoo thiaj tsis raug foom phem" muaj ntau lub zej zog, thiab khub niam txiv coj tej me nyuam mus thov "Trick or Treat" hauv tej kiab khw, thiab kwv tij phooj ywg lawm xwb. Thiaj li tsis raug teeb meem rau teb me tub me nyuam. Tsuas tau txoj kev lom zem xwb.
The holiday of Halloween in the United States is celebrated in many different ways by the many different ethnic groups. Although we see a lot of advertising on television and the department stores about Halloween, it is not an official public holiday. This means that normally students and government workers do not have the day off from work. However, the holiday has been so commercialized as to have the appearance of major holiday.
Originating from the Gaelic culture, many centuries ago, the Celtic people believed that October 31st was a time when spiritual boundary between the living and the dead disappeared. The use of costumes and masks to ward off evil spirits can be traced back to these early Celtic festivals. It eventually became a day of religious festivals in various northern European pagan societies. Around the 9th Century Catholic Popes moved the Christian feast of All Saints Day to November 1st. In modern times both celebrations are often celebrated on the same day, October 31st.
During the mid 1800’s Irish immigrants carried versions of the tradition to North America. Since that time Halloween has been commercialized to the point of being considered by most Americans to a sectarian or non-religious holiday. However there are Christian denominations that celebrate spiritual events around this time such as, All Saints Day and The day of the Dead. The day is often associated with the colors orange and black, and is associated with symbols such as the jack-o’-lantern. Halloween activities include trick-or-treating, wearing costumes, ghost tours, bonfires, costume parties, visiting haunted attractions, carving jack-o’-lanterns, reading scary stories, and watching horror movies. Some of these activities such as "Trick or Treating" where children in costume go from house to house, asking for treats such as candy, shouting "Trick or treat?" are largely American traditions. The word "trick" refers to a jokingly threat to perform mischief on the homeowners or their property if no treat is given.
Because in part due to the over commercialization of the holiday and the danger that going door to door in some communities present to children, many communities choose to have Halloween parties at community centers or homes instead of "trick or treating". This is a way for children to have a safe and fun day, under to supervision of their parents.

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